Logo of the Joint Lab HiRSE: Helmholtz Information - Research Software Engineering

38th HiRSE Seminar

On January 23, 2025, 11am CET, Carlos Martinez Ortiz from Netherlands eScience Center will start off the HiRSE Seminar in 2025 with his talk about Software Management Plans: how do they lead to better research?


In this talk I will talk about the Practical guidelines for Software Management Plans (SMP) (https://zenodo.org/record/7185371), developed by the Netherlands eScience Center and the Dutch funding council (NWO). Starting from the concept of what are SMPs, and what are the development practices that they encourage, I will explain how the guidelines have been implemented at different places. I will also talk about tools that have been (and are being developed) to help researchers implement good practices when developing research software for their own research.

The talk will be held online. The connection details will be posted here:

If you would like to attend, but think you may not get the connection details through these channels, please write to hirse@fz-juelich.de. Slides will be published at the HiRSE Zenodo Community.

Location: virtual