32nd HiRSE Seminar
On September 23, 2024, 1:15pm CEST, the HiRSE Seminar will continue after the summer break with a special edition dedicated to the winners of the 2023 Call of the Helmholtz Software Award.
Abstract: In 2023 the Helmholtz Association opened the call for the first Helmholtz Software Award. The award aims to promote the development of professional and high-quality research software and to recognize the commitment to software as the basis of modern science. It puts the spotlight on sustainable development and operation of research software and recognizes the importance of collaboration between research software engineers and will help making research software available for re-use.
After evaluation of the submissions by international experts and a final selection by a committee, the winners in the three categories Scientific Originality, Sustainability and Newcomer were selected and the centers of the winners were informed by the Helmholtz President, Prof. Dr. Otmar D. Wiestler.
The winners of the awards are:
Scientific Originality Prize to CellRank: CellRank is a computational framework to study cellular fate decisions based on various types of single-cell genomics data. CellRank scales to large cell numbers, is fully compatible with the scverse ecosystem, and is easy to use.
Speaker: Philipp Weiler (HMGU)
Details: https://helmholtz.software/software/cellrank -
Sustainability Prize to ESMValTool: The Earth System Model Evaluation Tool (ESMValTool) is an open-source community-developed diagnostics and performance metrics tool for the evaluation and analysis of Earth System Models (ESMs). ESMValTool allows for a comparison of single or multiple models against predecessor versions and observations.
Speaker: Birgit Hassler (DLR)
Details: https://helmholtz.software/software/earth-system-model-evaluation-tool-esmvaltool -
Newcomer Prize to openCARP: openCARP is a multiscale cardiac electrophysiology simulator for in silico experiments ranging from single heart cells and cardiac tissue to organ models up to the body surface ECG.
Speaker: Marie Houillon (KIT)
Contact: Axel Löwe (KIT)
Details: https://helmholtz.software/software/opencarp
We are honored to host all three of them in this special HiRSE Seminar! They will present their software and their road to becoming an awardee of the 2023 Helmholtz Software Award.
The talk will be held online. The connection details will be posted here:
- HiRSE_PS-internal HiRSE Mattermost channel,
- HIFIS Mattermost channel,
- Helmholtz Open Science Mattermost Channel
- FZJ-internal #rse Rocket.Chat channel,
- de-RSE mailing list and de-RSE Mattermost channel,
- FG RSE mailing list
- Helmholtz Open Science Pro Mailinglist
- RSE mailing lists of the HiRSE partners (if any).
If you would like to attend, but think you may not get the connection details through these channels, please write to hirse@fz-juelich.de. Slides will be published at the HiRSE Zenodo Community.
Location: virtual