27th HiRSE Seminar
On March 19, 2024, 2pm CET, Matthias Kiesselbach from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) will continue the HiRSE Seminar with his talk on Research Assessment – the international reform discussions, and DFG‘s position.
Abstract: The topic of research assessment has become a topic of intense discussion globally. A large share of the discussion centers around two core demands: firstly, to reduce the reliance on quantitative measures like citation rates or journal impact factors in research assessment; and secondly, to consider a wider range of scientifically valuable types of contributions and activities than just published journal articles. Many research funders, the DFG included, take these demands very seriously. In my short talk, I will sketch the DFG’s position in the debate, and outline the steps it has taken (and is planning to take) in response to the demands. One focus of the talk concerns the Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA), which the DFG has supported from its beginnings.
The talk will be held online. The connection details will be posted here:
- HiRSE_PS-internal HiRSE Mattermost channel,
- HIFIS Mattermost channel,
- Helmholtz Open Science Mattermost Channel
- FZJ-internal #rse Rocket.Chat channel,
- de-RSE mailing list and de-RSE Mattermost channel,
- Helmholtz Open Science Pro Mailinglist
- RSE mailing lists of the HiRSE partners (if any).
If you would like to attend, but think you may not get the connection details through these channels, please write to hirse@fz-juelich.de. Slides will be published at the HiRSE Zenodo Community.
Location: virtual