14th HiRSE Seminar
On March 29, 2023, 2pm, Markus Geveler from IANUS Simulation GmbH will continue the HiRSE Seminar with his talk on Scientific Software On The Permanent Edge of Production - How Scientific Software Can Be Co-Breaking New Ground in Industrial Applications.
Abstract: Science needs quality-assured software for its own sake. The lack of recognition of this fact and backup from funding and systematic programs to provide the needed hypercare alongside research inflicts severe problems for extendability, maintainability and — in general — sustainability of research codes. These problems even increase on their way to production codes aka embedding cutting-edge functionality into ready-to-use, reliable software products. This puts new business models that aim at providing such software products to markets under immense pressure. In this talk, we exemplify this scope by demonstrating barriers for and breakthroughs in our continuous integration-based journey sustaining a Software-as-a-Service system for multiphysics simulation.
The talk will be held online. The connection details will be posted here:
- HiRSE_PS-internal HiRSE Mattermost channel,
- HIFIS Mattermost channel,
- Helmholtz Open Science Mattermost Channel
- FZJ-internal #rse Rocket.Chat channel,
- de-RSE mailing list and de-RSE Mattermost channel,
- Helmholtz Open Science Pro Mailinglist
- RSE mailing lists of the HiRSE partners (if any).
If you would like to attend, but think you may not get the connection details through these channels, please write to hirse@fz-juelich.de.
Location: virtual