13th HiRSE Seminar
On March 9, 2023, 10am, Peter Schmidt from the ARC Research Software Development Group at UCL will continue the HiRSE Seminar with his talk on Community Building for Research Software Engineering through Podcasting.
Abstract: Science and research require high quality and sustainable software. And while in recent years there has been an increase in research software engineering (RSE) in many countries, there still is a lack of recognition and funding for it. Building a strong RSE community has proved essential to build a case for establishing RSE roles in research centres and organisations so far. An important part of this community effort is to continuously raise awareness and promote the work of research software engineers.
Since January 2021, the podcast series Code for Thought, has been covering the work of RSEs. In this seminar, Peter will discuss how podcasting can be used as a tool to help build and strengthen communities. In addition to that, he will discuss the challenges of launching and running a podcast and reflect on experiences gathered and lessons learnt and how this will impact future development.
The talk will be held online. The connection details will be posted here:
- HiRSE_PS-internal HiRSE Mattermost channel,
- HIFIS Mattermost channel,
- FZJ-internal #rse Rocket.Chat channel,
- de-RSE mailing list and de-RSE Mattermost channel,
- RSE mailing lists of the HiRSE partners (if any).
If you would like to attend, but think you may not get the connection details through these channels, please write to hirse@fz-juelich.de.
Location: virtual