Logo of the Joint Lab HiRSE: Helmholtz Information - Research Software Engineering

12th HiRSE Seminar

On February 13, 2023, 11am, Jens Henrik Göbbert from the ATML Visualization at FZJ/JSC will continue the HiRSE Seminar with his talk on Jupyter Notebooks for RSE and HPC.

Abstract: Interactive exploration and analysis of large amounts of data from scientific simulations, in-situ visualization and application control are convincing scenarios for explorative sciences. Based on the open source software JupyterLab, a way has been available for some time now that combines interactive with reproducible computing while at the same time meeting the challenges of support for the wide range of different workflows. The approach enables the creation of documents that combine live code with narrative text, mathematical equations, visualizations, interactive controls, and other extensive output. For data scientists, Jupyter has emerged as a de facto standard.

This talk will present the advantages of Jupyter notebooks in the field of Research Software Engineering (RSE) and High-Performance Computing (HPC) at Forschungszentrum Jülich.

The talk will be held online. The connection details will be posted here:

If you would like to attend, but think you may not get the connection details through these channels, please write to hirse@fz-juelich.de.

Location: virtual